
Opening a Door

Opening a door can be achieved in different ways depending on your gameplay mechanics. For example, you could open a door when:

  • A character bumps into it.
  • The player clicks a “Use” or “Open” button.

Let’s start with the simplest approach: opening a door when a character bumps into it.

Example: Auto-Opening Door

# Taken from https://github.com/markusmoenig/Eldiron/blob/master/examples/Harbor.eldiron

class Door:

    def event(self, event, value):

        if event == "bumped_by_entity":
            set_attr("visible", False)
            set_attr("blocking", False)
            notify_in(2, "close_door")

        if event == "close_door":
            if len(entities_in_radius()) == 0:
                set_attr("visible", True)
                set_attr("blocking", True)
                notify_in(2, "close_door")

How It Works

  1. When a character bumps into the door, the bumped_by_entity event is triggered.
  2. The door opens by setting:
    • visible = False (door disappears).
    • blocking = False (door no longer blocks movement).
  3. The notify_in(2, "close_door") function delays closing the door for 2 seconds.
  4. When close_door is triggered, the script:
    • Checks if the area is empty (entities_in_radius() == 0).
    • If empty, the door closes (visible = True, blocking = True).
    • If not empty, it delays the closing again by 2 seconds.

Setting the blocking attribute isn’t strictly necessary in this case, since the door instantly opens on contact. However, it is included here for clarity and flexibility in different scenarios.

Opening a Locked Gate

Opening a locked gate works similarly to opening a door, but with one key difference:

  • The gate requires a key to open.
  • On the bumped_by_entity event, the script checks if the character has the correct key in their inventory.
# Taken from https://github.com/markusmoenig/Eldiron/blob/master/examples/Harbor.eldiron

class Gate:

    def event(self, event, value):
        if event == "bumped_by_entity":
            if len(inventory_items_of(value, "Golden Key")) > 0:
                set_attr("visible", False)
                set_attr("blocking", False)
                notify_in(2, "close_gate")
        if event == "close_gate":
            if len(entities_in_radius()) == 0:
                set_attr("visible", True)
                set_attr("blocking", True)
                notify_in(2, "close_gate")

How It Works

  1. When a character bumps into the gate, the bumped_by_entity event is triggered.
  2. The value parameter contains the ID of the character that bumped into the gate.
  3. The script checks if that character has a “Golden Key” in their inventory using:
    • inventory_items_of(value, "Golden Key") > 0
  4. If the character has the key, the gate opens by setting:
    • visible = False (gate disappears).
    • blocking = False (gate no longer blocks movement).
  5. The notify_in(2, "close_gate") function delays closing the gate for 2 seconds.
  6. When close_gate is triggered, the script:
    • Checks if the area is empty (entities_in_radius() == 0).
    • If empty, the gate closes (visible = True, blocking = True).
    • If not empty, it delays closing again by 2 seconds.
  • The value parameter in bumped_by_entity holds the ID of the character who collided with the gate.
  • We pass this ID to inventory_items_of(value, "Golden Key") to check that specific character’s inventory.
  • This script can be adapted to check for different key types by replacing "Golden Key" with another item name.