
This chapter and its sub-sections describe the tools available in Eldiron Creator.

Map Tools Specifics

Some tools are specifically designed for map editing and display a common HUD. These include:

  • Selection Tool
  • Linedef Tool
  • Sector Tool
  • Rect Tool


  • Vertices: Points that define the corners of geometry (edited via the Vertex Tool).
  • Linedefs: Lines that connect vertices (edited via the Linedef Tool). Used to create walls, doors, or paths.
  • Sectors: Areas enclosed by edges (edited via the Sector Tool). Used to create floors, ceilings, or other surfaces.

You can navigate the map using:

  • Trackpad: Swipe to move around.
  • Arrow keys: Move the view in any direction.
  • Mini-map: Click on the mini-map in the Region section to jump to a location.
  • Mouse wheel / Trackpad + Ctrl (Mac: Command): Zoom in and out.

HUD Overview


  • The upper-left corner of the HUD shows the current map position, which is also marked by a yellow rectangle on the map.
  • The numbers 1, 2, …, 0 represent subdivisions of the map:
    • 1 = Largest subdivision (for broad layouts)
    • 10 = Smallest subdivision (for fine details)
  • Larger subdivisions help create detailed maps, while smaller subdivisions are useful for general layouts.

Keyboard Shortcuts

When the map view has focus, you can use the number keys (1-0) on your keyboard to quickly switch between subdivisions, instead of clicking on the HUD.

Tile Icons

The icons in the upper-right corner of the HUD are tool-specific and allow you to assign tiles to the selected geometry using the Apply and Remove buttons.