
Regions represent levels or world maps in your game.

To create a new region, press the + button in the Region section. Once created, you can immediately start designing your level using map tools such as Linedef, Sector, and Rect.


A Character is an entity in your game—either a player or a non-player character (NPC).

To create a character, press the + button in the Character section.

  • Character behavior can be scripted using the Code Tool.
  • Initial attributes can be set with the Data Tool.

Refer to the Scripting & Data chapter for more details on these tools.

Characters act as templates—you can create an instance of a character by dragging it from the Character section onto the map.


An Item is an object in your game that can be picked up or interacted with by entities.

To create an item, press the + button in the Item section.

  • Item behavior can be scripted using the Code Tool.
  • Properties can be set in the Data Tool.

Like characters, items serve as templates—dragging them from the Item section onto the map creates an instance.

Items are highly flexible. They can be static or interactive (e.g., lighting a torch, displaying a message, triggering an event).


A Tileset is a PNG file containing a grid of tiles used to create maps.

To add a tileset, press the + button in the Tileset section—this opens a file browser where you can select a PNG file.

  • The Grid Size field allows you to set the size of each tile.

Tileset Tileset

The screenshot above shows a tileset with the Tileset Tool open.

Using the Tileset Tool, you can:

  • Add selected tiles as single images, animations, or multi-tiles (composed of multiple tiles).
  • Only added tiles can be used as map elements.

For more details, see the Tileset Tool documentation.