Creating and Editing Items

Creating and editing items in Eldiron works just like working with Characters.

How to Create an Item

  1. Click the + button in the Item section.
  2. Edit its behavior using the Code Tool.
  3. Set its attributes using the Data Tool.
  4. Drag the item into the map to create an instance.

Important: Make sure to read the Characters chapter, as items share many of the same principles, including scripting and event handling.

Item Events

Items receive System and User events in the same way as characters.

Example Events:

  • If a player bumps into an item, the item receives the bump_player event.
  • If the user clicks an item, the item receives the click event.

This makes items highly flexible, allowing them to interact with the map and characters in different ways depending on the game style you are creating.

Learn More

See the Scripting & Data Reference for a complete list of available events, commands, actions, and data properties.